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Writer's picture Connor Whiteley

How to Help a Depressed Person?

cognitive psychology, abnormal psychology, depression, treatment depression

Today’s episode of The Psychology World Podcast is on What to Say to a Depressed Person to Help them so this falls within the areas of social psychology, clinical and abnormal psychology.

Depression is a fairly common mental condition along with anxiety so I thought that it would be useful to do a podcast episode on it.

Overall, we’re going to be looking at 5 things to say to a depressed people to help them.

I’m Here for You:

This may seem rather easy as well as common sense, but it isn’t that often that our friends as and families know that we are truly there for them. I mean I know they we assume that they know we are here for them.

Yet unless we actually tell them, they won’t know that we truly are here for them.

Overall, this can help a depressed person feel less alone as well as it supports them some social support while they go through their difficulties.

What Can I do to Help?

To be honest, a lot of these suggestions about what to say to a depressed person can be considered common sense.

However, it’s usually common-sense things that we don’t say or do. Despite how easy they are.

Overall, even saying this to be a depressed person can be helpful as it shows they aren’t alone, you want to help them and you’re a great family member or friend.

I Like X, Y and Z about You:

This is a slightly more interesting tip because if you say for example:

I like the way you dress, you’re funny and everyone like you.

Then you are providing them with positive reinforcement as well as you are, very importantly, challenging their negative thoughts.

And it’s only by challenging these negative thoughts and ultimately changing them will the depressed person ever to be to recover.

Yes, that is bad:

Of course, you would have to say it more naturally than that, but you get the idea.

You need to acknowledge the depressed person’s difficulties, so they know that they aren’t being ignored and people don’t think that the person is just making it up. Or even worse believing that the depressed person is attention seeking.

Ultimately, acknowledging their difficulties helps them to feel valued and more positive.

There are Ways Through This:

When you’re saying this point, you would generally be talking about the depressed person maybe getting professional help as well as perhaps going through psychotherapy.

Again, being in therapy isn’t weakness or anything else that society can make you believe.

Therapy is potentially going to help you live a better, happier life.

Therefore, by saying to the depressed person about therapy, you are helping them take the first step to recovery and living a better life.

I’ve been through it too:

Of course, this isn’t applicable to everyone but if you’ve suffered from a mental condition that’s the same as the person you’re trying to help. Then tell them.

Make them know that they aren’t alone.

Make them ask to you questions about how you coped and dealt with the difficulties.

Overall, I hope that you’ve enjoyed today’s episode of The Psychology World Podcast and if you want to learn more about Depression then please check out my book Abnormal Psychology 2nd Edition.

Have a great day,


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