Social Media Psychology

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Perfect for psychology students and professionals interested in social media, clinical psychology and cyberpsychology.
Social media is fascinating. It is good and bad. Social media can help and harm people with depression for different reasons.
This brilliant, easy-to-understand book helps readers to understand the fascinating, complex benefits and disadvantages of social media on behaviour, hooking readers throughout with Connor's conversational and engaging tone.
Social Media Psychology’s Content Includes:
Part One: Introduction To Social Media
Introduction To Social Media Psychology
General Overview Of Social Media
Linking Social Media To Mental Health
Outline For The Rest Of The Book
Part Two: Social Media Communities And Behaviour
What Contributes To Social Media Communities?
Part Three: Types Of Social Support
Emotional Support
Social Companionship And Loneliness
Informational And Instrumental Support
What Behaviour Is Associated With Both Positive And Negative Social Media Use
Part Four: Positives And Negatives Of Social Media
What Are The Negatives Of Social Media Communities?
The Negatives Of Rumination In Social Media Communities
Ostracism And Social Comparison Within Social Media Communities
Bringing Everything Together
Limitations Of The Current Literature
Future Directions