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Writer's picture Connor Whiteley

4 Most Resilient Personality Types During the Pandemic

cognitive psychology, psychological resilience, social psychology

In today’s episode of The Psychology World Podcast, we’ll be looking the cognitive psychology topic of what personality types are most resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Also, today’s episode has been sponsored by my book Health Psychology.

Moving onto the topic, there have been a lot of different ideas about the types of people that have been most affected by the pandemic. Some researchers think extroverts have suffered the most as they haven’t been able to meet with people.

Other people think it’s conscientious people as their daily routine and structure has been decimated.

However, a new study done by NixPlay on the 27th and 28th August 2020 has found the types of personalities that are least affected by the pandemic.

The 4 Personalities Least Affected by the Pandemic:

Emotional Stability:

People with emotional stability are the types of people who handle stress well and they don’t get nervous easily.

Therefore, the study found that help with higher emotional stability scores dealt with the pandemic better than people who scored lower on the scale.

Future Positive:

I fully admit that I’m a future positive because I’m goal oriented and I’m a hard worker.

This helps to protect people against the psychological impact of the pandemic because it means they can channel their frustration into a productive endeavour.

I can see this in my family because I channel this frustration into writing, podcasting and other creative endeavours.

Whereas my dad builds and creates things in the garden.

Past Positive:

Interestingly, past positive people are people who remember as well as focus on the enjoyable times in the past. For example, a fun family holiday and time with their friends.

The idea behind past positive people being resilience in the pandemic is because the enjoyable memories of the past. Provides them with a sort of protective buffer against the distress caused by the pandemic.


Personally, I don’t necessarily believe in this finding but I’m going to mention it anyway.

According to the study, introverts are less psychological resilience during the pandemic because unlike extroverts they have less happy interactions to remember.

In my opinion, this is false as I know a lot of introverts and they are as resilience or better than extroverts.

Equally, I can easily see these introverts having other personality traits in these studies to help them with their resilience. For example, the future positive personality.

Overall, I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s cognitive psychology episode of The Psychology World Podcast.

If you want to learn more then please check out Cognitive Psychology 2nd Edition.

Have a great day everyone!

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