Personality Psychology and Individual Differences

If you want to learn about personality psychology, this is the book for you!
Our personalities affect us in lots of interesting ways and they cause a lot of great behaviours. Making them extremely important to study.
This great, easy-to-understand book is the perfect guide to personality psychology and most of all its fun, packed full of great examples that relate the facts to everyday life!
By the end of this psychology book, you’ll know:
What Personality is and how it’s studied?
What Influences our Personality to form?
How Personality Influences Religious and political beliefs and our Mental Abilities?
And many more great topics!
This is NOT a boring university textbook.
Personality Psychology Content
Fun Personality Notes
Part One: Introduction to Personality Psychology
Introduction to Personality
Classifying Traits, Eysenck and The Lexical Approach to Personality
Five Factor Model of Personality and ‘The Big Five’
HEXACO Model of Personality
Part Two: The Biological Basis, Genetic and Environmental influences on Personality and Development and Stability of Personality
Biological basis of Personality: The Ancient, Modern and Neurotransmitters
Gray’s Theory, Eysenck’s Theory and the Evidence
Personality and Hormones
Developmental Changes and Stability of Personality
Introduction to Genetic and Environmental Influences on Personality
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Personality
Effects of Unique and Shared Environments and The Difficulties of Inheritability
Part Three: Personality and Mental Abilities
Introduction and Theories of Intelligence
Biological Basis, Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence
Mental Ability and Life Outcomes
Developmental Changes and Stability of Intelligence
Fluid Intelligence, Crystallised Intelligence and The Flynn Effect
Alternative Theories of Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Part Four: Religiosity and Political Attitudes in Personality Psychology
Introduction to Religiosity in Personality and Religiosity and Personality Dimensions
Change and Stability of Religiosity and Religiosity and Life Outcomes
Introduction to Politics and Personality
Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation
Dual Process Model of Ideologies and Prejudice, Attitudes and Personality, and Attitudes and Behaviours Towards Non-Human Outgroups
Part Five: Personality and Life Outcomes
Personality and Social Life Outcomes
Personality, Self-Control, The Dark Triad and Other Life Outcomes
Personality, Health Related outcomes and Academic Achievement