Forensic Psychology of False Allegation: A Forensic And Criminal Psychology Guide To False Allegations of Rape, Sexual Abuse and More

Available from all major eBook retailers and you can order the paperback and hardback copies from Amazon, your local bookstore and local library, if you request it. Also available as an AI-narrated audiobook from selected audiobook platforms and library systems. For example, Kobo, Spotify, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, Overdrive, Baker and Taylor and Bibliotheca.
Whenever victims report crimes to the police, they make an allegation a crime has happened. These allegations are not always true.
Why do people make false allegations?
In this fascinating, engaging forensic psychology book, you’ll explore the great topic of false allegations and the multitude of reasons behind this behaviour.
By the end of this great book, you’ll know:
· What are false allegations?
· How suggestible are children about abuse?
· What is the false memories/ recovered memories debate?
· The multitude of reasons why false allegations happen?
· And so much more.
Readers will love this engaging, interesting and easy-to-understand criminal psychology book guiding readers through the critical topic of false allegations. Psychology readers don’t want to miss this brilliant read.
The Forensic Psychology Of False Allegations Content
What Are False Allegations?
Problems Of False Allegations
Pathways To False Allegations
What Is The Recovered Memory/ False Memory Debate?
False Claims Of Sexual Abuse And Young Children
The Diagnostic Signs Of Abuse